World Wide Candle Lighting

Worldwide Candle Lighting Service

December 08, 2024
7:00 PM 
The 2nd Sunday in December
Every year on the 2nd Sunday of December, our TCF Marin Chapter joins thousands of other TCF chapters throughout the world in a worldwide candle lighting service to honor the memories of all children, regardless of age, who have died before their time. 
This year, The Compassionate Friends of Marin’s Candle Lighting Ceremony, in honor of all children and young people who have died, will be held at 7 PM, Sunday, December 08 at Unity in Marin, 600 Palm Drive, Novato, CA 94949.
Request for updated and new photographs for the upcoming Candle Lighting Ceremony:
Please submit pictures with name, birth and anniversary information to or Radha Stern, radha-stern@msn.comNo later than October 27, 2024.
If you are satisfied with previous photos no action is needed.

A high resolution jpeg is the best. Please include your child’s name, birth and death dates. Please put “Candle Lighting” on the subject line of the email.

We will let you know we have received the photo.

Each attendee will have time to light a candle and say their names, as well. We hope you will join us at 7 PM, December 8th at Unity of Marin.


                                                                                        (Candle Lighting Photos by John Klingel)